As an exhausted group of dads and their somewhat tired children huddled in the cozy glow of the Shelter to escape the rain after a day of activity & time together, Derek Yoder shared from 1 Corinthians 13 and a message from his heart. He tried to explain the overwhelming new, protective love he felt the first moment he saw his daughter, the pain he experienced when seeing her injured, and the joy in spending time with her and watching her grow. This is nothing, he reminded the group, compared to God’s love for each of us. Then, the Shelter filled with 28 voices singing a beautifully improvised rendition of “How Deep the Father’s Love,” led by Ruskin, with children worshipping alongside their fathers, in the midst of their Father.
Nine families gathered for Dads & Kids Weekend in October and made the weekend a fun, memorable bonding experience! The adventurous group braved a night hike, canoed in the fall morning mist, and dueled at the ping pong table. During a break in the rain, a clatter of hammers, wire nails, pine boards, and little voices echoed from the Shelter Campsites as the group assembled birdhouses to take home, a memento from a weekend spent building something much bigger.
7 dads brought their family and/or extended family to Dads & Kids Weekend.
Kids and youth enjoy adventure, independence, strong mentors, a Christ-centered community, and all the fun you can pack into a week. This summer will be no different! Kids need the freedom of camp more than ever. From the moment they wake up (just 2 feet away from the great outdoors) to the evening campfire, every day is tailored to what kids need, how they learn, and how they have fun! Vetted, trained staff shepherd campers through myriad activities that engage, nurture, and grow campers, whether they realize it or not!
Get a taste of why campers and parents love Pine Lake. At Open House, families explore camp, meet the staff, and enjoy classic camp fun! This is a great way to preview the culture of Pine Lake and learn more about what makes camp the best week of the summer. The Pine Lake community is always growing; we can’t wait to meet you!
Meet the Staff!
Have Fun!
See the summer camp cabins.
Get to know summer counselors.
Boat with a friend, a staff, or on your own.
Peek in the Pavilion, the cafeteria.
Talk one-on-one with the directors.
Play field games led by staff.
Scope out the Shelter, or chapel.
Visit with veteran volunteers.
Roast a hotdog over the campfire.
Walk the trails.
Hear firsthand stories from former campers.
Learn to play gaga ball.
Enjoy the beautiful lakefront.
Connect with camper parents.
Hangout at the playground.
Join in the fun! Community is what makes camp so special, and we are glad you are part of our family. Truly, we love when campers say, “We couldn’t wait til the summer! We had to come to Open House!” Open House is meant to be a fun, free day for everyone, including new families, old friends, volunteers, and staff! Also, every camper registered at Open House receives a free t-shirt! Don’t miss out on this!
That’s right, every camper registered at Open House can choose a t-shirt from our current stock OR get the 2021 t-shirt at their week of camp! **Deposit and completed registration form are required to qualify.
Where do I RSVP for Open House?
This event is spacious and well-staffed, so no need to RSVP! Just come! (If you want though, you can RSVP, and share the event on Facebook!)
How much time will this take?
As little as 15 minutes to as long as 3 hours, depending on what you want to do! A full tour is about 30 minutes, not including boating or roasting a snack over the fire.
Use the address below, and once you hit Pine Lake Road, follow the signs!
Can I register for summer camp while I’m there?
Yes, but only if you want a free t-shirt!
I’m booked this Saturday. Can I tour another time?
Definitely! Call or email the office to schedule a tour with us! Our staff are knowledgeable about what to expect this summer, and we love sharing camp with others! (It’s why we work here.)
The following a summary of the reflections that Matt Graybill, Executive Director, shared at the dedication of Tall Pines Fellowship Center on August 30, 2019.
Matt Graybill, Executive Director, shares reflections from the Growing the Pines Capital Campaign journey
Our theme for the weekend is “God is Faithful.” It’s a fundamental truth about God’s character. He is faithful. It is supported numerous times in scripture and expressed through covenants in the Old testament and prophesy of the coming of Jesus Christ. We see the faith of God’s people as well. One of my favorite passages of scripture is Hebrews 11. It’s commonly known as the “heroes of faith” chapter. By faith Abraham… By faith Noah, and so on.
When I reflect on the reason why we’re here in Tall Pines this morning, it’s to celebrate God’s faithfulness. Not just because we have this new facility. It’s because there is a place like Pine Lake.
Expanding on that chapter of Hebrew, I decided to reflect on the “heros” of camp.
Hand written minutes from the first meeting of what would develop into Pine Lake Fellowship Camp
By faith a group of people met to talk about starting a camp in Nov. 1965
By faith, the funds were put up to by 74 acres and three horses
By faith, Family Camp started in 1967
By faith, the Lodge was dreamed and constructed and changed the trajectory of Pine Lake. That facility is nearing 20 years old.
By faith, many people have come into relationship with Jesus Christ.
And by faith, in the fall of 2008, Pine Lake launched the “Growing the Pines, Building the Future” capital campaign. If you were at Camp Sale in 2008, you may remember watching the appeal video for the first time. This campaign vision was to expand ministry capacity and construct a new facility, Tall Pines Fellowship Center, to meet the needs of the PLFC Association and other churches in the southeast region. The vision was clear, but there were still questions: 1. Can we (Pine Lake) raise that much? 2. Where will the money come from? 3. Would camp be able to meet its operating expenses? 4. Would other fundraisers suffer? 5. Will this ever be accomplished?
Over the last 10+ years, God has provided answers to each of these questions!
Funding is complete and $459,000 has been raised, which meets our campaign goal.
The money has come from many faithful donors, organizations, and PLFC budget surpluses.
Pine Lake has met and increased its budget each year of the campaign with no shortfalls (42% increase since 2009)
PLFC has added fundraisers like the 5K Trail Run & and experienced increases in existing events like Camp Sale
Construction will soon be completed.
By faith this all happened. He is faithful.
Timeline of Construction:
2008 – Kickoff of campaign resulting from 2-3 years of long-range assessment and planning the goals is to raise $80,000 for site prep, foundation, & steel shell construction
Spring/Summer 2011 – Foundation prepared, slab poured, and steel shell erected
Spring 2012 – Phase II – Framing on Lodging end begins
2013 – Plumbing, electric, insulation, and drywall installed in the Spring.
January 2014 – Volunteers from ON serve for two weeks and finish the first floor lodging for our First guest group to reside there (Midway Baptist Church Youth Group)
Spring 2015 – Framing on kitchen/office end begins
Good Friday 2016 – First guest group stays in top floor lodging end (Amor Viviente Church Retreat)
2017 – Framing and rough finish on North and South walls of the Meeting/Gym are completed.
May 2018 – PLFC Staff move into new office space!
Summer Camp 2019 – Meeting area AC installed & 2 BR apartment ready for occupancy (Suzanne resided there for the summer)
Week before Labor Day 2019 – Kitchen installation & set up!
To Come: Meeting/Dining area to be finished & Kitchen appliances installed
A few of many Work Teams & Folks who helped!– Diener Construction, Dale Kanagy, Duane Maust, Amor Viviente, Cliff Maust, Members of Des Allemands Mennonite, Jubilee Youth Group, Jubilee Camp out, Glen & Pat Detwiler, Cal & Shirley Hostetler, Bob Wideman & Co., James & Rachel Metzler, Wayne & Polly Comardelle, Two groups from Ontario who framed, 8th St. Mennonite, & so so many others.
A Vision Realized.
For so long, we only imagined what a finished facility would be able to accomplish for his Kingdom. And because of God’s faithfulness, we’re on the cusp of completing this capital campaign project. It’s can be easy to look back over the course of 11 years of this endeavor and forget all the effort involved. There were intense times of decisions and construction (periods of lamenting), followed by of delays in raising funds, and then those steps repeated. But through it, we see God’s hand in providing people to fund not only this project, but annual operations God provided skilled labor and volunteers to work on the building, as well as many others who prayed, consulted, advised, encouraged, and fed others.
From the outside, this is only a building, but it’s what happens on the inside that counts. The shared mission of reconciliation to God, His creation, & one another is the heartbeat of Pine Lake. It unites Association members, charter churches, campers, thousands of guests, staff, & volunteers in prayer, corporate worship, community, Christian service, and celebration.
And so we celebrate together and dedicate this gift to be used for His glory! Amen!
Glen Detwiler & Matt Graybill share memories
A captive audience on a day of celebration
Butch Clay, President of PLFC Board of Directors, shares a devotion at the dedication.
Gerald Beade, shares a laugh & memory with Glen D.
Family Camp weekend is Pine Lake’s annual homecoming event. Some folks come to spend time with their nuclear family, some to connect with the family of God. Either way, this weekend is all about relationships! Whether this is your first time to camp or you’ve been to Pine Lake a thousand times, Family Camp is a great weekend to rest in God’s creation, be nourished in your faith, and have fun with others! Activities abound for the adventurers, while those more keen on lounging and chatting have a wide array of scenic seating to choose from! Buckle up for a wonderful weekend as we draw nearer to God, nature & one another.
-Please contact or 601-483-2267 to reserve lodging.
MEALS – Meals are provided by volunteers from PLFC Charter Churches. – If you’re interested in helping provide or serve food, contact
Want to help someone in need attend a PLFC Retreat?
Loaded with fun activities and located in the beauty of God’s wilderness, dads and their kids experience a relaxed retreat that includes quality time for memory-making and faith-building for dads (or grandpas) and their kids.
Each room has sleeping space for up to 6 people, a private bathroom, and climate control. (Includes towels and bed linens.)
+ $110
RV Site
RV sites have water, sewer, and 50 amp electrical hook-ups.
+ $60
What’s Included?
All Meals
2 nights lodging in your choice of cabins, tents, or Tall Pines Fellowship Center
Weekend Programming
Time for you and your kid(s) to do things you enjoy!
Dads & Kids Weekend Typical Schedule:
7:30 – Registration 8:15 – Campfire & Night Hike!
8:30 – Breakfast 9:00 – 9:45 – Singing & Session 10:00 – Pine Lake Olympics Free Time 12:00 — Lunch 2:00 – Zip Line Free Time 6:00 – Hot Dog Roast 6:45 – Campfire: Singing & S’mores 7:30 – Night Game: Glow in the Dark Capture the Flag!
7:30-9:30 – Continental Breakfast Free Time 11:00 Departure
The schedule is subject to change.
Dads & Kids Weekends in years past brought families closer together at Pine Lake.
Want to help someone in need attend a PLFC Retreat…