
Hands and Feet of the Church

Mr Willie presented with a wall hanging for his kitchen
Mr Willie presented with a wall hanging for his kitchen

Mr. Willie presented with a wall hanging for his kitchen by members of World Renew.

 “In His service, World Renew volunteers,” were the final words at a home dedication Meridian resident Mr. Willie on March 20.   Mr. Willie had a tree fall on and destroy part of his home during an EF-2 tornado in April 2018.  As a result, he was left with no kitchen or bathroom for two years and had to use homes of other nearby family members.  “Now, l live in a mansion,” said Mr. Willie thanked World Renew facilitators Gary & Bev Van Noort and Jack & Pat Buist after the dedication.  

For nearly two months, dozens of volunteers helped rebuild the back side of his house in just 5 weeks.  World Renew: Disaster Reponse Services “set up camp” at Pine Lake from February 6-March 20 to provide relief to homeowners affected by the tornado.  In that time, PLFC was the host site for 95 volunteers who served at Mr. Willie’s and several other storm damaged homes.  After working in the rain and mud each day, volunteers kicked back each evening to renew their strength and energy with conversation around the table or a walk around the lake.    One group of volunteer students from Grand Valley State University even spent a few days at PLFC cleaning cabins and painting bathhouses.   Then students prayed over the cabins for campers to take their next step with Christ this summer.  Praise God!

Ms. Mavis Scott’s home was built from the ground up in only 5 weeks by another group of volunteers from Orland Park Christian Reformed Church (Illinois).  At her home dedication on March 12, dozens of volunteers, community leaders, and partner agencies gathered to give her the keys to a new home.  She is thankful for a home “that isn’t falling down” (Watch Ms. Mavis in her own words).  This church even secured a $20,000 grant to help Ms. Mavis.  As hands and feet of the Church, each volunteer gave their time, skills, and finances to demonstrate Christ's hope to not only people in need, but an entire community.  Pine Lake is humbled to have played a supporting role in this example of love.  The Meridian community as well as our Pine Lake staff are inspired by World Renew’s mission and call to service. Thank you to each volunteer and partner agency for your role in this mission.

WTOK Ms Mavis

A heartwarming news report of the impact World Renew volunteers made in the Meridian community.

This post was written by Matt Graybill, Executive Director and was part of PLFC's April 2020 newsletter update  Check it out!

April 2020 Newsletter


Celebrate and Strengthen!

Your marriage is important, wonderful, and precious. Your spouse is all of these things to you and more! By getting away for a weekend together, you can celebrate what you have, renew your dedication to one another, and maybe even pick up a few new communication tools! Even the strongest marriages benefit from a change of pace and place. Pine Lake’s retreat provides a beautiful, comfortable environment to do just that.

Expect good food, a schedule balanced with content and free time, and other Christian couples to connect with. Whether you want to hike and explore, fish at the lake, play board games with others, or cozy up by the fire together, your weekend away awaits you!

Marriage Enrichment Retreat is not for marriages in crisis. If you and/or your spouse feel your marriage is in jeopardy, this retreat may not be for you. Consider seeking out a licensed marriage counselor or intensive marriage counseling retreat.



Marriage Enrichment Retreat Facilitators

Shawn & Pam Beadle

Meet the Facilitators!

Shawn and Pam Beadle have been married 30 years and have three adult daughters and a brand new son-in-law. Over the years, they have served together in camping ministry, leading adoption seminars, teaching at marriage retreats, and hosting small groups. They are lifetime members of Pine Lake Camp, which holds a very special place in their hearts. They are active members at Calvary Church, Muscatine, Iowa. A typical Friday night consists of homemade pizza and sweet tea!


$95.00/couple + lodging:

Lodging Options

  • Commute from Home: $0
  • RV Site: $60
  • Onsite Lodging (private room): $100


What’s Included?

  • Meals, activities, speaker input, curriculum materials

Sample Retreat Schedule


  • 7:00  – Registration
  • 7:30  – Introductions
  • Session 1


  • 8:00 – Breakfast
  • 8:45  – Session 2
  • 12:00 – Lunch
  • 2:30  – Session 3
  • 5:30  – Date Night—on your own


  • 8:15  – Coffee & Donuts
  • Session 4
  • 10:00 – Brunch
  • Departure

Schedule subject to change



 Want to help help someone in need attend a PLFC Retreat?

Donate to Retreat Scholarships


Young Adult Retreat

Ready for a weekend of rest and fun?

Step away from your obligations for a few days! Young Adult Retreat is a time for all young adults (graduating high school seniors to 30 year olds) to find renewal of spirit and fellowship with other young adults in the presence of God’s creation.

Expect good food, a relaxed schedule with lots of free time, and other young adults looking to hang out and have fun. Lawn games, hiking trails, boats, and board games, are always on hand, but if you feel like sitting in a rocking chair and enjoying the beautiful setting, we’ve got that too.


 2025 Pricing:

Lodging Options

  • Commute from Home: $70
  • Onsite Lodging (shared rooms): $105

What’s Included?

  • Meals, activities, spiritual input

Sample Young Adult Retreat Schedule

  • 7p-8p Arrival/Registration
  • 8:00 Welcome!
  • 9:00 Homemade Ice Cream
  • Free Time- Board Games and beyond!
  • Sleep!
  • 8:30 Breakfast
  • 9:30 Session #1
  • 11:15 Field Games or other fun
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 1:30 Horizontal (Nap Time!)
  • 3:30 Optional Activities
  • 6:30 Supper
  • 8:00 Session #2 Campfire!
  • 9:00 Night Ultimate
  • Time for Sleep or Board Games
  • 9:00 Sunday Service/Wrap-Up Session
  • 10:00 Brunch
  • 11:15 Clean up and Goodbyes


Schedule subject to change

 Want to help help someone in need attend a PLFC Retreat?

Donate to Retreat Scholarships