Howie Schiedel Pine Lake Camp Facility Maintenance Endowment

The Schiedel endowment honors Howie Schiedel’s leadership and vision for Pine Lake Fellowship Camp.  Howie helped to lead Pine Lake into a new era of ministry by not only maintaining the existing facilities and grounds but dreaming of new facilities to create more opportunities for the Association, congregations, and individuals can experience retreat, renewal, & reconciliation.

This endowment will honor Howie’s legacy by caring for two of the things he cared for most:

  1. To provide funding for existing Pine Lake facilities and personnel to be well-maintained, properly cared for, and enhanced to meet goals of the Association and guest groups.
  2. To provide funding for facility development and expansion to continue growth and sustainability for the PLFC Association and guest groups.


Was your life was impacted by Howie's leadership at Pine Lake Fellowship Camp?

He invited each person to dream beyond their imagination about the many ways God can bless Pine Lake's ministry through facility maintenance and development. This is another one of his invitations. 

Consider a gift to the Howie Schiedel Pine Lake Camp Facility Maintenance Endowment as a way to remember his legacy in your life and at Pine Lake.  

Gifts in honor of Howie can be sent to:

Pine Lake Fellowship Camp

10371 Pine Lake Road

Meridian, MS 39307

Please earmark: Schiedel Endowment