Expanding the Perimeter

PLFC board members pray over the property purchase!"
Summer Staff reunion hike (Dec. 2024)"
John Opel working on rainwater drainage to prevent wash outs"

A great blessing unfolded last summer as 40 neighboring acres were purchased from donations. The property, located at the end of Pine Lake Road (near the gate) and Emerald Lake, was in the early phases of a residential home being constructed early last year and posed unique challenges to Pine Lake’s peaceful, retreat-centered environment.

The Pine Lake board recognized the gravity of these potential challenges and stepped in to provide guidance and strategic direction. With prayerful discernment, the board shaped a path to pursue a purchase. Fundraising efforts started and initial financing conversations were held with institutions as an agreement was being negotiated, BUT GOD! Within a week, multiple generous contributions were received for the amount needed to complete the purchase! Praise the Lord! The collective action serves as a clear testament of God's provision, affirmation of the board’s direction, and the strength of Pine Lake's community.

Now, this new property has many possibilities. Facing westward, the “L” shaped perimeter has a flat open area then pours down into a small valley with a steep ridge of pines before the property line dives 90 degrees southward. The rainwater from the steep ridge and

The property drains into Emerald Lake to the northern edge and later into Pine Lake.

New hiking trails are being mapped to clear at Work Day (March 1) with other possibilities being dreamed! The steep ridge serves as camp’s new highest elevation point and overlooks a vast area. For early camp folks, it could be the “new” bluff! Future campers will have more places at camp to hike, explore, play, and grow in their faith amidst God's creation.

This is a tremendous blessing for future campers and guests. Thank you to the board, Robbie Coblentz who led negotiations, and the generosity of faithful supporters. PLFC now stewards 160 acres entrusted for the work of God’s kingdom!

This article was written for PLFC's newsletter.

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