At Pine Lake Fellowship Camp, campers experience an authentic program filled with games, activities, moments, and conversations that point towards JESUS.
- The JOY in shared worship as the entire camp sings Jesus Loves Me (Camp style) around the campfire.
- The sound of a cabin group’s LAUGHTER as they walk across a sunny ball-field
- The FLAVOR of fresh mint leaves handpicked picked from the herb garden.
- The initial shriek of fear turned to ENTHUSIASM as a camper scoots off the zip line platform for the first time and realizes that he/she can do things that seem scary.
- The WONDER in a camper’s face as she peers into jars of preserved snakes and lizards native to her own backyard.
- The overwhelming sensation of the HOLY SPIRIT calling a camper draw nearer to Jesus
- The moment when a camper recognizes that he/she truly BELONGS to a community and are part of God’s plan
- Canoeing at Family Camp
This article was part of the August 2018 PLFC newsletter. Want to see what else was in that issue? CLICK HERE!